May 10, 2019 | Kevin Mehlenbacher | 1321 views
Coaching and Convenor Applications for 2019-2020 Season Now Being Accepted
Coaching and convenor applications for the 2019-2020 season are now being accepted. All applications must be submitted online using the forms provided.
HMHA is currently looking for coaches for the following teams. Coaching candidates will be contacted to schedule an interview.
Rep. Team Coaches (Click here for Rep. Team Coaching Applications)
Minor Novice Select
Novice Select
- Atom Select
- Peewee Select
Midget AE/MD
Initiation and Local League Team Coaches (Click here for HL/LL Coaching Applications)
Hockey Basics (4 years old)
Initiation (5 and 6 years old)
Minor Novice (7 years old)
Novice (8 years old)
Anyone interested being a 2019-2020 Initiation Program or Local League Convenor is asked to complete an application. Click here to apply: HMHA Convenor Applications