Ice Scheduler and Office Administrator (Hespeler Minor Hockey Association)

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Ice Scheduler and Office Administrator

The Ice Scheduler and Office AdministratorIce Director as a non-voting
member shall carry out the following duties for The Board:
Ice Schedule Tasks
● assess the ice requirements for the Association and shall enter
negotiation with the city to meet these needs;
● apportion the ice and times in a fair and equitable manner;
● work with the Director of Hockey Operations, Director of Hockey
Development and the Local League Directors to determine the ice
● present a report regarding Ice Scheduling to the Board;
● recommend policy to the Board regarding Ice Scheduling
● Estimate Ice and referee needs (and budgets) for following season
● Negotiations for City Ice Contracts (Season + Special Events)
● Coordinate Travel Team Submissions with League and OMHA
● Schedule Spring and Falls Tryouts and Evaluations
● Negotiate and Schedule Travel Teams Season and Playoffs and
Beechey League regular season
● Review and Approve Out-of-Town Tournament Requests
● Schedule HL and LL Season and Playoffs
● Schedule Tri County and OMHA Playdowns
● Schedule Tri-County League and Beechey League Playoffs
● Schedule Clinic and Photo Day Events
● Schedule Pre-Season Tournament (Early October)
● Schedule Olympic Travel Tournament (Dec. 27-30)
● Schedule HL / LL Tournament (First weekend in Dec.)
● Schedule U9 Tournament (Early Jan.)
● Schedule HL / LL Day of Champions
● Monitor Ice Usage (& Returns) during the Season and Playoffs
● Review monthly ice & Referee Invoices
● Attend Monthly HMHA and League Meetings
● Attend HMHA Meetings
● Communicate regularly with the Referee scheduler to ensure
Referees are scheduled for all Tri County, Beechey, U8 MD,
U9MD and Local League games for the regular season, OMHA
playdowns, Tri County Playoffs, Local League Playoffs and
Beechey League playoffs.
● Schedule the ice time for the IP Program, Tyke Program and the
Novice Program
Administrative Tasks
● ensure the proper custody of the Association's corporate seal,
corporate minutes and resolutions and other corporate records
and documents;
● keep in stock the required amount of stationary
● pickup and distribute all Association mail from the P.O. Box
● manage the office equipment including supplies and maintenance
● record or delegate to another Board member the recording of the
minutes of General Meetings of the Membership, Board Meetings
and Executive Committee Meetings and ensure that Association
records are regularly and properly kept, and all business is
conducted in accordance with any applicable statute or law, the
Letters Patent and By-laws and the Policies and procedures
established by the Board or by the Membership.
Sponsorship Tasks
● set up an accurate recording system covering income and
disbursements relating to sponsorship for delivery to the
● actively pursue new sponsorship projects in co-ordination with the
Tournament Director (for program)
● manage and supervise current sponsorship endeavors
● submit to the Budget Committee in each year an estimate of
revenues and expenditures for the next fiscal year of the
● present a report regarding sponsorship to the Board
● In co-ordination with Equipment Director, Jr. and Sr. HL/LL
Directors, order and arrange to have sponsor bars placed on all
House League and Local League jerseys for which sponsors have
been obtained
● be responsible for the establishment and execution of any
fundraising by the association and to collect monies from such
events and deposit receipts with the Treasurer
● review and approve all fundraising events proposed by HMHA
Representative, Local League, MD and House League teams and
co-ordinate all licensed fundraising activities with the appropriate
Government bodies
Tournament Tasks
● coordinate all activities concerning the Hespeler Minor Hockey
Tournament(s) with Weekend Hockey
Treasurer Tasks
● ensure adherence to and implementation of financial Policies in
the financial administration of the Association;
● ensure the submission of the books of account to the Auditor of
the Association at the end of the financial year;
● pay all approved accounts by cheque and submit an accurate
monthly statement at board of directors meetings
● present a Report of the Auditor from the previous year and a
projected financial position for the current year to the Membership
at the Annual General Meeting;
● evaluate, review and recommend financial policy to the Executive
Committee and the Board