2020/2021 Season Programming, News (Hespeler Minor Hockey Association)

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Sep 10, 2020 | MBroga | 2071 views
2020/2021 Season Programming
Organizing a safe return to hockey hasn’t been easy. But we are nearly ready to get back to having fun and playing some hockey. 

We know there are questions regarding the upcoming season. The following is a brief outline of what to expect this season.

Planned Divisions

  1. U21 - Competitive & Recreational - 2000 - 2002 Birth Years 

  2. U18 - Competitive & Recreational - 2003 - 2004 Birth Years

  3. U16 - Competitive & Recreational - 2005 Birth Year

  4. U15 - Competitive & Recreational - 2006 Birth Year

  5. U14 - Competitive & Recreational - 2007 Birth Year

  6. U13 - Competitive & Recreational - 2008 Birth Year

  7. U12-  Competitive & Recreational - 2009 Birth Year

  8. U11 - Competitive & Recreational - 2010 Birth Year

  9. U10 - Competitive & Recreational - 2011 Birth Year

  10. U9   - House League     - 2012 Birth Year

  11. U8   - House League     - 2013 Birth Year

  12. U7   - House League     - 2014 - 2015  Birth Years

  13. Hockey Basics     - 2016 Birth Year

NOTE: Minor and Major age divisions may be combined based on final registration numbers.

What to Expect This Season

  • Saturday, September 26 is the season start date;

  • Teams of 10 players (9 skaters + 1 goaltender);

  • Approximately two 50-minute ice times per week for each team (U7 to U21) and one 50-minute ice time per week for each Hockey Basics team from September 26, 2020 to March 12, 2021 with a week off at Christmas (23 weeks total);

  • Changes due to unforeseen circumstances might cause reduction in ice times or season cancellations that are out of HMHA’s control.

  • All ice times will be at the Hespeler Memorial Arena (Pad 1 and Pad 2);

  • While all teams will be registered as House League/Local League and there will be two groupings per age category for competitive and recreational players (if player numbers do not allow for multiple groupings, only one grouping will be utilized);

  • There will be no tryouts held for player team assignments. Players will be assigned to teams by HMHA Executive and HMHA coaches based on the level played last season. Effort will be made so that players on the ice are of a similar skill level.;

  • Players will be notified of their team assignment by their head coach via email before October 16, 2020;

  • Ice time schedules will be posted on the HMHA website according to teams;

  • 30 to 40 player bubbles (3 to 4 teams) playing 3 X 3 or 4 X 4 internal games exclusively within their own bubble;

  • Potential future playing of other local centres within the Waterloo Region Health Unit boundaries later in the season if allowed by OMHA. The playing format is not yet determined;

  • The following will be the HMHA 2020-2021 season outline for U7 to U9:

    • 8 Weeks Development (Within Player Bubbles)

    • 15 Weeks of 4 X 4 Games

  • The following will be the HMHA 2020-2021 season outline for U10 to U21:

    • 3 Weeks - Group Development (Within Player Bubbles)

    • 3 Weeks - Team Development

    • 4 Weeks - 3 X 3 Games

    • 13 Weeks - 4 X 4 Games

  • U9 and below teams (Novice and below) will play half-ice or cross-ice games (4 X 4) for the duration of the season utilizing the middle zone as players benches

  • U10 to U21 teams will play full ice games (3 X 3 or 4 X 4) and will utilize the players benches (physically distances);

  • All activities during ice times led by coaches who will incorporate physical distancing; and,

  • A development plan that follows OHF and OMHA development templates will be created and implemented by the HMHA Executive for the 2020-2021 season.

What to Expect at the Arena

  • There will be mandatory City of Cambridge and OHF Health Screening for all participants, team staff, parents and guardians entering the arena;  

  • All arena doors will remain locked until 10 minutes before the scheduled ice time;

  • Participants are required to use the designated markings outside of the entrance when waiting to get in; 

  • Participants will be required to use specified entrances and exits and follow signage to and from designated chairs and ice surface;

  • Masks are required for all individuals entering the building;

  • Participants masks must be kept on until seated in designated chairs and your helmet is put on;

  • Participants are required to take off their skates and helmets and leave the facility immediately;

  • All participants must be gone within 10 minutes;

  • There are no dressing rooms at the arena.  All dressing rooms will remain closed;

  • Participants are expected to enter the arena dressed and ready to go, except for skates and helmets;

  • A dedicated washroom will be available as needed;

  • Only one (1) parent or guardian per skater will be permitted as a spectator;

  • All spectators will be required to adhere to designated seating and wear a mask or face covering at all times when in the facility; and,

  • If a child requires assistance with their helmet or tying skates a parent may do so and then immediately proceed to the designated seating area.

Your Role in Creating a Safe and Healthy Environment

Please help create a safe and healthy environment this season by observing the following guidelines:

  • Observe physical-distancing guidelines at all time while at the arena facility;

  • Practice proper hygiene.  This can help reduce the risk of infection or spreading infection to others;

  • Stay home and self isolate if anyone in the home is feeling ill; and,

  • Communicate with the team staff if there are any questions or concerns.

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Tim Hortons
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Cambridge Bingo & Gaming Centre
Cambridge Bingo & Gaming Centre and Hespeler Minor Hockey Association, partners since 2013.