HMHA presents Charitable Gaming, News (Hespeler Minor Hockey Association)

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Jan 28, 2021 | MBroga | 593 views
HMHA presents Charitable Gaming
Hespeler Minor Hockey Association is pleased to present Charitable Gaming.

Community Good.

This new brand name and logo represents the good works in part, that happen locally as a result of our participation in Charitable Gaming through the Cambridge Bingo and Gaming Centre.

Tim Hortons
Serving the community means more than just coffee. That's why your local Tim Hortons is proud to support the Hespeler Minor Hockey Association.
AtoMc - McDonalds
Supporting Atom Hockey Across Canada McDonald's® Canada is proud to continue our support of minor hockey in Canadian communities. atoMc® Hockey builds on McDonald's Canada's 25-year relationship with Hockey Canada with the goal of providing support to Atom teams across the country.