Fall tryouts for U8 to U21 divisions are now scheduled.
All players wanting to tryout for 'A' or 'AE' hockey must be registered and pay their travel tryout fees online.
All tryout fees must be paid online (except players new to HMHA).
No tryout fee payments will be accepted at the tryouts.
The tryout fees for Travel (Rep) teams are:
U9 and U8 - $50 per player
U10 to U21 - $80 per player
Online tryout registration is accessed through your Hockey Canada Registry Website (HRC) account which can be found under the Registration tab or by CLICKING HERE.
Non Resident Players (NRP's) must bring their signed permission forms and tryout fee payment to the first tryout.
HMHA Executive will be in attendance at all scheduled tryouts to assess the possibility of additional Rep A, Rep AE and Select teams.
Click here for all Fall Tryout Schedules
Be sure to double check the tryout schedules as there could be changes as we get closer to the start of tryouts.