There are
two important policies to share and understand.
1) City of Cambridge Proof of Vaccine policy
2) OMHA vaccine policy
Please review the two policy updates below.
Note: Although the City of Cambridge will not require proof of vaccine identification for players under the age of 18. The OMHA is firm on their policy to require all vaccine eligible players (players born 2009 or earlier) to be fully vaccinated before October 31.
City of Cambridge Proof of Vaccine policy
Please be advised that starting Wednesday, September 22, the Ontario government requires residents to be fully vaccinated (including the 14-day waiting period) and provide their vaccination receipts or medical exemption alongside government-issued identification to access some indoor City programs and services including:
• Sports
• Recreation fitness
• Meeting rooms
• Entertainment or cultural venues
Some exemptions are permitted under these regulations.
When you need to show proof of vaccine
• Patrons 18 years of age and older accessing sport and fitness facilities for any purpose, including parents or guardians of youth participating in an organized sport.
• Youth 12-17 using a gym or other area with exercise equipment or weights
• Youth 12-17 spectating, including sporting events
• Patrons 12 and older attending banquet halls and community centre meeting rooms used for social gatherings or programs (with limited exceptions)
• Patrons 12 and older attending entertainment/cultural venues such as theatres and concert venues
When you do not need to show proof of vaccine
• Any patron 18 years of age and older with written documentation supplied by a physician or nurse practitioner indicating medical support for not being fully vaccinated and government issued identification
• Youth under 12 years of age
• Youth under 18 years entering the facility for the purpose of actively participating in an organized sport and associated coaches, volunteers and officials involved with organized sport are exempt. Examples of this activity include: sports leagues, swimming lessons, dance classes, martial arts and applies to training, practices, games and competitions
• Attendance at a wedding and funeral service only
• Rental space for day camps, childcare or social services (including parents picking up and dropping off participants)
• Health and safety social support purposes (warming/cooling centres, shower program access)
• Idea Exchange locations
From September 22 until October 21 individuals can show proof of vaccination via a paper or electronic copy of their vaccine record. Beginning October 22, individuals can show proof of vaccine with their Government of Ontario-issued QR code. Individuals can print or download their vaccination receipt from the provincial booking portal.
Unaccompanied participants under the age of 10 years are not permitted within City facilities. Parents/guardians of those under the age of 10 years will be required to show proof of vaccination to enter.
Maintaining Step 3 protocols
In order to safely enjoy our programs and services, individuals must also continue to mask, maintain 2m distancing, provide contact tracing information, and perform active COVID-19 health screening at
Individuals are encouraged to refer to their organized sport association for full details as to their sports’ Return to Play policies and procedures.
Additional Information
Please remember to ‘Check before you Rec’ and visit the City of Cambridge Covid 19 Recreation Safety Page and Covid 19 Vaccine Requirements before arriving at a municipal recreation facility for a detailed list of facilities impacted, vaccine certificate program resources and frequently asked questions and answers.
OMHA vaccine policy update
(OMHA Vaccination Policy)
We appreciate how challenging a time this is for all of you as we continue to deal with the impact of COVID-19 as we return to play. We wanted to provide you the latest update with respect to the OMHA Vaccination Policy for COVID-19 and how we plan to put the health and safety of our participants first and foremost.
The OMHA held a Board of Directors meeting this weekend. Included in the meeting agenda was a discussion around the Government of Ontario’s Proof of Vaccination requirement and exemption relating to youth under 18 years of age actively participating in indoor organized sport as it applies to training, practices, games and competitions. The Ontario government considers its regulations to be a baseline and allows organizations and businesses to supplement with further measures to ensure the health and safety of participants.
The Board was pleased to welcome Dr. Kieran Moore, Chief Medical Officer of Health for Ontario as a guest to the meeting. Dr. Moore provided important information regarding indoor sports with a high risk of transmission, such as hockey.
In addition, Dr. Moore and his office have offered support to the OMHA to continue to provide ongoing education and direction as we continue to navigate this evolving pandemic.
The OMHA's Board of Directors have reaffirmed their commitment to provide the safest environment possible for our participants, to minimize the spread of COVID-19 and to mitigate further restrictions and disruption to programming.
The OMHA Vaccination Policy will remain in place without any changes.
We thank you for your commitment to all participants and we celebrate your efforts to allow players to return to play safely.