Please read the information on the changes to the proof of vaccination procedures provided below. Consider the extra time required for all these checks when arriving at the arena facilities.
Effective Monday January 31, 2022, the following arena entry protocols will be will be in place:
- All participants and spectators will still be required to complete screening in advance at and show proof of vaccination for all individuals ages 12 and older (spectators and participants.
Proof of vaccination must be the enhanced vaccine certificate with QR code. Any individual with a medical exemption will need to present a provincially-issued exemption QR code for verification (physicians notes is no longer accepted). Further details about these requirements are included in the attached.
Arena operations will continue to run based on the current schedule. We are not building in any additional buffers between rental times. Your scheduled hours will remain the same.
Dressing rooms will remain available for use. Showers remain available as well however we ask that groups minimize the amount of time in dressing rooms as much as possible.
Per the provincial regulations, outside food and drink, with the exception of water for participants, is not permitted. Concessions also remain closed during this time.
Participant capacities for organized activities (i.e. practices and games) remains unchanged.
Spectator capacities are reduced to 50% until at least February 21st. In order to meet this restriction, we are strongly recommending that spectators be reduced to 1 parent or guardian per participant when possible.
Outside food and drink is permitted however only while seated in spectator areas (lobbies are not considered a spectator area).
In addition to the above the City respectfully asks that the following practices be applied as much as possible:
- Have players come to practice and/or games dressed as much as possible and ready to play
Keep safe dressing room protocols - minimize time spent in dressing rooms, wear masks, and keep distanced
Remind all participants of the requirement to wear masks at all times including coaching staff, volunteers, parents, and athletes while not on the playing surface or bench
Keep distanced wherever possible, and do not congregate in lobbies or hallways
Eliminate indoor team social activity
The City will continue to monitor provincial regulations and announcements and are working closely with the Region of Waterloo Public Health Unit to interpret regulations and guidelines as they are released or amended.