Mar 16, 2023 | Jessica Belovari-Tedford | 349 views
Event: Hespeler Optimist Food Drive
The Hespeler Optimist Club is having a food drive
for the Cambridge Food Bank in the back parking lot of the Hespeler Memorial
Arena on Saturday, March 25th, between 10am and 12:30pm.
Monetary donations of cash, cheque, and credit will be accepted at this time, and anyone who makes a donation will receive a prize ballot. We have many great prizes to be won, donated by local businesses, including a home inspection valued at $450, a pizza meal gift certificate, one-of-a-kind art decor, gift baskets, and more. The most needed food items are; sandwich spreads (nut butters, jam), breakfast foods (cold and hot cereal, pancake mix), canned tomatoes and pasta sauce, and grains (dry pasta, rice, gluten-free options). Every donation can make a difference.