2023 Hitting Clinic, News (Hespeler Minor Hockey Association)

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Mar 27, 2023 | Jessica Belovari-Tedford | 752 views
2023 Hitting Clinic
The 2023 HMHA  Hitting Clinic sessions are run by Tyler Ertel from Holistic Hockey. All 2010’s attending Tryouts as well as all players 2009 to 2006 who played Local League or House League last season and are planning on attending tryouts for U18A, U15A, or U14A  must either attend this clinic or show proof of completion of an equivalent clinic elsewhere. Let me know if you need anything else to put this write up together. 

The times for the clinics are as follows:
May 2 8-9pm
May 3 8:30-10pm
May 5 7-8:30 pm
The cost is $125 and covers all 3 ice times.

Follow the link to register.

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