Local League Jerseys - Select Preferred Numbers, News (Hespeler Minor Hockey Association)

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Aug 01, 2024 | Kevin Mehlenbacher | 1088 views
Local League Jerseys - Select Preferred Numbers
HMHA has moved to player owned jerseys for all players on U11 to U18 local league teams.  This applies to all NEW players to local league U13 to U18 teams and now ALL players on U11 local league teams.   

The first step in the process is for players to select their preferred numbers.  All players on U11 teams and any NEW players on U13, U15 and U18 local league teams are now requested to email the Local League Director at [email protected] with their top three (3) jersey numbers in order of preference.   

If your child was assigned a number last year and you bought jerseys, this does not apply to you.  Assigned numbers stay with player throughout their local league career.  

When submitting preferred jersey numbers, also include the player’s first and last name as well as their age group.

Deadline to submit preferred jersey numbers is Wednesday, September 1st at 12:00pm (noon). 

Number's will be assigned by HMHA if no preferred jersey numbers are submitted.

Every effect will be made to assign players their preferred number; however, there are no guarantees.  If there are multiple players requesting the same jersey number, numbers will be assigned based when the emails are received by the local league director (first come first serve).  

Please note that no duplicate numbers in same age group or 1 year older are permitted.  Please think outside the box.  Most HMHA and popular NHL numbers will be already taken. The local league director will make every effort to assign your child their preferred number.  If their top 3 numbers are taken, the local league director will contact you.  Confirmation of your child's number will be by your child's head coach in their welcoming letter after evaluations. 

More information on ordering jerseys will follow at a later date in September.


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