Jan 02, 2017 | Lisa Leachman | 1230 views
Early Bird Tickets AVAILABLE NOW - Hespeler Hockey Mom's Valentine's Dance
Reserve your Early Bird tickets for the Hespeler Hockey Mom's annual Valentine's Dance! Contact your team's Hockey Mom now to reserve your tickets or order online here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/big-hearts-for-shamrocks-valentines-dance-tickets-30854976064
Early bird
tickets will be released next Tuesday, January 10 at our monthly Hockey Mom’s
meeting. Early Bird tickets are $20 per person and available only
through your Hockey Mom. The tickets sell
quickly and often sell out on the first release date. After January 10,
remaining tickets, if any, will be $25.00.
Celebrate Valentine's Day and help the Hespeler Hockey Moms support our Shamrock minor hockey teams at our annual Valentine's Dance. This year's event takes place Saturday, February 11th, 2017 at the Bee Hive Hall, Hespeler Memorial Arena from 8 pm to 1 am. DJ Sean returns for another night of serious dancing PLUS silent auction, cash bar and a late night buffet. Lots of great door prizes, too!!