Timekeepers and Scorekeepers Needed for HMHA Tournaments, News (Hespeler Minor Hockey Association)

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Nov 02, 2017 | Kevin Mehlenbacher | 1782 views
Timekeepers and Scorekeepers Needed for HMHA Tournaments
HMHA is looking for experienced timekeepers and scorekeepers, who are 14 years or older and who are available at any time during the House League Classic Hockey Tournament (Dec. 1-3) and the Hespeler Olympics (Dec. 27-30).

All Timekeepers and Scorekeepers are paid a minimum rate of $10 per game. (complete pay rate details below) 

The tournament schedules have not been finalized as of yet, but we are under way with getting a list of people who would be interested in Time keeping and Score keeping for these tournaments.

If you are interested, please e-mail the HMHA Tournament Director ASAP with the following information:

 - what dates you are available
 - what are the maximum hours you would like to Score keep or Time keep
 - if you would like community hours for this event instead of payment
 - if you play on a HMHA team, so we can work around your hockey schedule
 - the preferred arena where you would like to work
 - your phone number and email address

Contact the HMHA Tournament Director by email at: [email protected]

Pay Rate Details

 - 1 Timekeeper/Scorekeeper per game = $10
- used for all Peewee and lower divisions in the House League Classic Tournament
- used for all Atom and lower divisions in the Hespeler Olympics

 - 2 Timekeeper/Scorekeeper per game = $10 each
- used for all Bantam and Midget division in the House League Classic Tournament
- used for all Peewee, Bantam, Midget and Juvenile divisions in the Hespeler Olympics
- Note: If only 1 Timekeeper/Scorekeeper works these games, they will receive $20 per game 

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