As mandated by OMHA and OHF, Under 8 Programming will be implemented beginning the 2018/19 season and will extend to those turning 8 in 2019/20.
Like other minor hockey associations in Ontario, we received these details in March and quite frankly it has taken some time to digest. As a result of these initiative's, there will be some changes to our existing IP programming but we agree this will be beneficial to all of our players future development.
For many years, HMHA has been recognized for offering an excellent initiation program and that will not change. With that said, we also recognize that our 2011's would have graduated to Tyke hockey and for many, an introduction to representative hockey. In an attempt to maintain the development path of the 2011's, based on registration numbers and skill level, interested players will be evaluated this fall for the opportunity to play full ice hockey in our Novice Local League.
To provide some insight into the Grand River Local League, included in your registration you will compete against many centres on a weekly basis along with weekly practice times. Seasonal play will determine placement in several divisions for playoffs and championship series. Average travel times between centres is 30-45 mins. You'll have the opportunity to compete in tournaments including our Hespeler Classic in December. Furthermore, the association will be offering additional development opportunities throughout the season for those interested in participating.
For those 2011's that participate in our Tyke program they will have two ice times per week, and will continue to work on skill development. Beginning in the month of November, players will incorporate these skills with match play against other teams. Following the Under 8 Programming model, teams will be permitted to participate in Jamborees with a season ending Event. Registering your player with the Hespeler Minor Hockey Association will absolutely be the most beneficial and most cost effective means to develop your player under the Hockey Canada model that is available to all 2011's no matter where they reside.
In the coming days, a short survey will be sent to all players born in 2011 that have been registered with HMHA in the past 2 years to gauge interest in the different options available to 2011 age kids for next season.
For more information on Under 8 Hockey Programming please visit
Thank you,