Aug 06, 2018 | Kevin Mehlenbacher | 1400 views
Convenor Applications Now Being Accepted
Applications for Initiation Program and Local League Convenors are now being accepted.
Anyone interesting being a 2018-2019 Initiation Program and Local League Convenor is asked to complete an application.
All applications are due by August 22nd @ 11:59 pm.
All applications must be submitted online using the form provided.
Click this link to apply: HMHA Convenor Applications
Local League Convenor Job Description:
- To ensure that the spirit and intent of the HMHA Constitution is followed.
- To distribute a copy of the Rule of Operation, OMHA Manual of Operation and other information deemed necessary to Coach as these materials are available.
- To chair both the team (player) selection meeting of Coaches and the Division Balancing Meeting and intervene or direct as required.
- To ensure that player registration forms are completed for each player within the division (no players who are not properly registered are playing).
- To make sure that all games commence and end on time where possible.
- To ensure that no travel games are curfewed, the division is to start their games late and shorten them. The convenor is to coordinate with the Ice Scheduler to have that time replaced as soon as possible.
- To report any serious breach of the Rules, Regulations, Bylaws or Policies to the Jr./Sr. LL Director.
- To provide the Sr./Jr. Local League Director with a written incident report when requested.
- To provide the Sr./Jr. Local League Director, and Board of Directors with any suggestions regarding Rules, Regulations, Bylaws or Policy changes.
- To try to ensure that Referees and timekeepers are on hand prior to the start of each game to report to the Sr./Jr. Local League Director when referees do not show up or are late. In the case of Referees or timekeepers not being available at game time, the Convenor could ask the Referee or timekeeper from the preceding game to remain.
- Check game sheets before games. Verify them after the game and ensure that all suspension penalties are relayed to the players and coaches.