Oct 01, 2011 | DaleP | 2825 views
Codes of Conduct, Expectations and Rules
The following standards have been put into place for the 2011-12 Season
- All players and parents are expected to give a full commitment. Hockey is a team sport and it requires everyone to give it their all. This is a Rep team therefore practices, dry land training, power skating and any other additional training are not optional.
- The Midget AE tab on the HMHA website will be our teams’ main communication tool. Please view the website daily for changes to schedules. If any changes are made with less than 24 hours a phone call and/or e-mail will be sent out.
- If there are any changes to your contact information, please inform both the Manager and Head Coach by e-mail.
- Players must be at the arena 45 minutes prior to all games and ready 30 minutes prior to practices for dry land training unless stated otherwise. Players are to be fully dressed when the zamboni goes on the ice for pre-practice/game chat. Late arrivals will be subject to disciplinary action.
- Dress shirt and pants will be the dress code for all players. Ties are optional but dress shirts will be tucked in and buttoned up all the way with exception to the collar button.
- Hats and toques are supposed to have HMHA logo. Hats will have the beak of the hat facing forward at all times, no exceptions
- Horseplay will not be tolerated on or off the ice.
- Players must let any coaching staff member know if they will be absent from any team function. Nothing by e-mail if it is less than 24 hours please.
- 24 hour cool down rule will be in place along with a parent rep for any complaints or disagreements that may occur during the course of our season.
- No cell phone usage (players and team staff) in and around the dressing rooms.
- Players are expected to show up well rested and ready to play to the best of their ability. Curfews may be put in place periodically for the best interest of the team.
- Coaches, players and parents must show respect to our team, our fans, other teams, their fans and ice officials. If you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all. We are all here to work together towards a successful season.
- Parents are expected to encourage their child before, during and after games and practices. Please don’t coach your child from the stands and let us do our job.
- All players will earn their ice time. As a Rep team, ice is not always equal but it will be fair if earned.
- The last 5 minutes of games are the coach’s minutes and we will play who best fits our situation.
- Goalies will play based on a 45-45-10 split. Meaning they will both get to start at least 45% of the games and the other 10% will be based on who best fits our team’s needs.
- Coaches, players and parents who do not follow our Team Code of Conduct, the HMHA Codes of Conduct, OMHA Codes of Conduct, any team rules and any facility rules (Cambridge or otherwise) are subject to disciplinary action.
- Players will look after their own jerseys this season. Please respect the jersey as they are very expensive – Please use a garment bag for storage, as well as to and from the rink.Jerseys are part of your equipment, if you forget to bring it to a game disciplinary action will take place.
- Any players caught using drugs or alcohol will face disciplinary actions up to and including being released from the team.