Oct 29, 2011 | DaleP | 1090 views
Mooretown Schedule Posted
First game is Saturday @ 8:30 AM...
kind of like Stoney Creek - two groups of three teams
Group - Hespeler, Mooretown, Saugeen
Group - Brampton, Sarnia, St. Thomas
Saturday 8:30 AM vs Mooretown - North Rink
Saturday 7:20 PM vs Saugeen Shores (Port Elgin) - North Rink
Points format - 4 for win, 2 for tie, 2 points period win, 1 per period tie - total available 10 per game
third game
Sunday 8:30 AM - 1st A vs 3rd B
Sunday 8:45 AM - 2nd A vs 2nd B
Sunday 9:55 AM - 1st B vs 3rd A
Top two of all teams with points after 3 games play the final Sunday at 3:45 pm
full schedule & rules to be sent by e-mail