Feb 20, 2016 | Cmacneill | 676 views
Flat Against the Fusion
Our Shamrocks came out strong in the first period but were unable to capitalize on any of the opportunities created. The second and third period found Hespeler falling into some past habits losing the game 4-0 to the Centre Wellington Fusion.
During this game I saw something in the Shamrocks which hasn't been evident throughout the season; defeat. Even with our heavy losses the Shamrock team on the ice never gave up the fight and even when the game was over and were on the losing end, disappointment may have been shown but not defeat.
I am not sure if it is a result of the Rocks starting to have a winning record or just the weight of a long season starting to take its effect. We may be coming down to our last three games of the season (tournament not included) or the hockey gods may shine on us making the complicated "this must happen scenario" play out. Whatever the case, Shamrocks play these last few games on your terms.
Bring the Shamrock team that shocks the other teams with your solid game play, the Shamrocks that come together as a team - as it is that TEAM that got you to where you are now. Leave the negative thoughts and frustration in the change room, bring that "my puck", "we got this" attitude to the bench.
Now I am just a loud talking parent from the stands given a soap box to stand on (or website in this case) but boys don't forget every single one of you has made improvements this season! The Hespeler Bantam AE's team is without doubt the most improved team this season. Be proud! Bring that confidence to the ice! Don't let the frustration win! You are better players and a more dangerous team when you hit that ice knowing you belong there and have the tools to win!!!
I am sure I speak for all the coaching staff, parents, and fans, when I say how proud we are of this team. Stepping off/logging off my soapbox ... I am excited for the remainder of the season no matter the length as I am hoping those reading this will pass along the words of encouragement to their players, reminding them to leave it all on the ice, never give up, and build up their team mates! As together is how they achieved their victories,